After successfully parse a SQL script, You can modify the Parse Tree Nodes (PTN) of the input SQL script which is created by General SQL Parser(GSP) to generate the new SQL script as needed.

In order to achieve this, GSP does the folowing things for you:

  • Parse SQL text and build the PTN tree.
  • Provide a set of APIs used to manipulate the PTN.
  • Provede the toScript() method to generate the new SQL text based on the modified PTN automatically.

What you need to do is:

  • Use the APIs provided by the GSP to add/delete/modify the PTN as needed.

    Something like add a new search condition in where clause, remove a column in select list, add a new join table in from clause and etc.

Table of Contents

  1. Scenarios that use the script rewrite technology
    1. Check and modify SQL before executing by the DB
    2. SQL run against different kinds of databases
    3. Migrate from one database vendor to another
  2. Script rewrite detail
    1. Basic parse tree nodes
    2. More parse tree nodes

Scenarios that use the script rewrite technology

Check and modify SQL before executing by the DB

Before the SQL script fromt the client side to be executed by the database server, we may need to check the SQL to see is there any unnessary columns had been selected in the result set, or is there any important search conditions are missed in the where clause. Then, we can remove the column in the select list and add additional search condition in the where clause by using this SQL script rewrite technology.

SQL run against different kinds of databases

How to keep your application unchanged after switch the backend database from one to another? Such as switch from SQL Server to MySQL. With this SQL script rewrite technoloy, we can dynaimcally generate the SQL script with the correct SQL syntax based on the backend database.

Migrate from one database vendor to another

One of the most important things to do when migrate from one database to another is to migrate the SQL and PL/SQL as well. Using the GSP along with the script rewrite technology, you can scan all the SQL and PL/SQL to find out how many SQL is not compatible to the new database platform that need to be modified, then use the script rewrite technology to rewrite some SQL and PL/SQL automatically, Finally, you have to deal with some SQL and PL/SQL by hand that can’t be rewrited automatically.

Script rewrite detail

There are lots of types of parse tree node, such as statement node, clause node, expression node, literal node and more. Usually, the parse tree node are created by the parser of GSP during the parsing process, those parse tree nodes then build up a parse tree which is a SQL statement node.

During the rewrite process, you may create parse node manually and then add it to the parse tree to add new SQL element to the original SQL script.

Since GSP already created the parse tree for you, then, how to create parse tree node manually is the first thing you need to know.

Basic parse tree nodes

Following are the most used parse tree node type which you will use during the script rewrite process.

For class TSourceToken, TObjectName and TConstant, there are 2 ways to create a new instance, use the class constructor or use the help method in the TGSqlParser class.

For class TFunctionCall, TExpression and TSelectSqlStatement, it’s much easier to create a new instance by using the help method in the TGSqlParser class.

Watch out! There are 2 methods to generate SQL text from parse tree node: toString() and toScript(). toString() is used when the parse tree node is created by the parser and was not modified manually. toScript() is used when the parse tree node is created manually or the parse tree node was modified.

  • TSourceToken

    The input SQL script will be turned into a list of tokens by the lexer of GSP. Each token is represented by a TSourceToken object.


      TSourceToken st = new TSourceToken("AToken");


      TSourceToken st = new TSourceToken("AToken");
  • TObjectName

    This class represents various database object such as table, column, index and so on.


      // use new constructor to create an object name
      TObjectName tableName = new TObjectName(new TSourceToken("ATable"), EDbObjectType.table);
      TObjectName columnName = new TObjectName(new TSourceToken("ATable"),new TSourceToken("AColumn"), EDbObjectType.column);
      // use parseObjectName() method to create a three parts object name
      TGSqlParser sqlParser= new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      columnName = sqlParser.parseObjectName("scott.emp.salary");


      // use new constructor to create an object name
      TObjectName tableName = new TObjectName(new TSourceToken("ATable"), EDbObjectType.table);
      Assert.IsTrue(tableName.ToScript().Equals("ATable", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
      TObjectName columnName = new TObjectName(new TSourceToken("ATable"), new TSourceToken("AColumn"), EDbObjectType.column);
      Assert.IsTrue(columnName.ToScript().Equals("ATable.AColumn", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
      // use parseObjectName() method to create a three parts object name
      TGSqlParser sqlParser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      columnName = sqlParser.parseObjectName("scott.emp.salary");
      Assert.IsTrue(columnName.ToScript().Equals("scott.emp.salary", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
  • TConstant

    This class represents literal such as 8, ‘Thomas’ in SQL script.


      // use new constructor to create constant
      TConstant numberConstant = new TConstant(ELiteralType.etNumber,new TSourceToken("9.1"));
      // use parseConstant() method to create constant
      TGSqlParser sqlParser= new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      numberConstant = sqlParser.parseConstant("9.1");


      // use new constructor to create a constant object
      TConstant numberConstant = new TConstant(ELiteralType.numeric_et, new TSourceToken("9.1"));
      Assert.IsTrue(numberConstant.ToScript().Equals("9.1", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
      // use parseConstant() method to create a consatnt object
      TGSqlParser sqlParser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      numberConstant = sqlParser.parseConstant("9.1");
      Assert.IsTrue(numberConstant.ToScript().Equals("9.1", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
  • TFunctionCall

    This class represents a function used in SQL script such as avg().


      TGSqlParser sqlParser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      TFunctionCall functionCall = sqlParser.parseFunctionCall("fx(a1,a2)");
      assertTrue( functionCall.getFunctionName( )
              .equalsIgnoreCase( "fx" ) );


      TGSqlParser sqlParser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      TFunctionCall functionCall = sqlParser.parseFunctionCall("fx(a1,a2)");
      Assert.IsTrue(functionCall.FunctionName.ToScript().Equals("fx", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
  • TExpression

    This class represents expression/predicate/condition used in SQL script.

    Due to the complexity of expression, please check this article for more detailed information.

  • TSelectSqlStatement

    This class represents select statement.

    Statement object usually created by the parser of GSP. If you need to manually create a select statement object used in for example an exists predicate, then please use the help method in the TGSqlParser class.


      TGSqlParser sqlParser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      String subQueryStr = "	SELECT *\r\n"
              + "	FROM CompanyData.dbo.Customers_33\r\n"
              + "	UNION ALL\r\n"
              + "	SELECT *\r\n"
              + "	FROM Server2.CompanyData.dbo.Customers_66\r\n"
              + "	UNION ALL\r\n"
              + "	SELECT *\r\n"
              + "	FROM Server3.CompanyData.dbo.Customers_99";
      TSelectSqlStatement subquery = sqlParser.parseSubquery(subQueryStr);


      TGSqlParser sqlParser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvmssql);
      string subqueryStr = @"SELECT * FROM CompanyData.dbo.Customers_33";
      TSelectSqlStatement subquery = sqlParser.parseSubquery(subqueryStr);

More parse tree nodes

Due to the complexity of SQL language itself, In the GSP library, there are hundreds of parse tree node type to represent the corresponding SQL elements.

We have shipped some sample code together with the GSP library to illustrate how to manipulate those parse tree node.

  • Create parse node

    test/scriptWriter/testCreateNode.Java, demos\testScriptWriter\testCreateNode.cs

    including expression, constant, function, objectname, create index statement, Oracle assignment statement, create table statement, create view statement, Delete statement, Drop index statement, Insert statement, Alter Trigger statement, create trigger statement, create procedure statement, If statement, update statement.

  • Modify expression

    test/scriptWriter/testModifyExpr.Java, demos\testScriptWriter\testModifyExpr.cs

  • Modify SQL statement and SQL clause

    test/scriptWriter/testModifySql.Java, demos\testScriptWriter\testModifySql.cs

    including where clause, group by clause, having clause, order by clause, alter table reference key, join table, select list, alter table, create table statement, CTE

  • Create Oracle datatype from the scratch


  • Create SQL Server datatype from the scratch
