Iterator interface implmented in TParseTreeNode is used to iterates the all source tokens of the parse tree node.

public abstract class TParseTreeNode implements Visitable,Iterator<TSourceToken>

Iterable interface implmented in TParseTreeNodeList is used to iterates all the parse tree nodes included in this list.

public class TParseTreeNodeList<T extends TParseTreeNode> extends TParseTreeNode implements Iterable<T> 

Iterable interface implmented in TStatementList is used to iterates the all the sql statements included in this list.

public class TStatementList extends TParseTreeNode implements Iterable<TCustomSqlStatement> 

Let take this SQL for example:

SELECT e.employee_id,
FROM   employees e,
       departments d

SELECT e.employee_id,
FROM   employees e
       JOIN departments d
         ON e.department_id = d.department_id 

Print the type of all sql statements:

for (TCustomSqlStatement sqlStatement:sqlparser.sqlstatements) {

Since TParseTreeNodeList is subclass of TParseTreeNode, so TParseTreeNodeList support both Iterable and Iterator interface. Please aware that Iterator interface is used to get all source tokens belong to this node like this:


While Iterable interface is used to get parse tree node in the list:

for(TTable table:sqlStatement.tables){