This document explains how to use the GSP library to parse an existing SQL script, then modify the SQL parse tree, and rebuild the whole SQL using TParseTreeNode.toString() method.

If you build a SQL parse tree from the scratch(Not from the existing SQL), and then generate SQL text from this parse tree, then TParseTreeNode.toScript() is the better choice.

1. TParseTreeNode setString()

Change the text of a SQL clause or the whole SQL statement.

Take this SQL for example:

FROM scott.employee
WHERE e.job_id = 1

We like to change the condition in the where clause from e.job_id = 1 to e.salary > 1000.

Below is the Java code illustrates how to achieve this.

sqlparser.sqltext = "SELECT *\n" +
        "FROM scott.employee\n" +
        "WHERE e.job_id = 1";

TSelectSqlStatement select = (TSelectSqlStatement)sqlparser.sqlstatements.get(0);
TWhereClause whereClause = select.getWhereClause();

whereClause.getCondition().setString("e.salary > 1000");


After running the above Java code, the output is:

FROM scott.employee
WHERE e.salary > 1000

2. remove a node

Call setXXX() method from the parent node and pass null as input parameter, will remove the SQL clause from the parent node.

This Java code will remove where clause from the select statement.

sqlparser.sqltext = "SELECT * FROM TABLE_X where a>1 order by a";



Call removeItem(int index) of TParseTreeNodeList will remove an item from the node list.

This Java code will remove column b from the order by clause.

sqlparser.sqltext = "SELECT * FROM TABLE_X order by a,b";



3. update a node

Please node’s setString() method.

TGSqlParser parser = new TGSqlParser(EDbVendor.dbvoracle);
parser.sqltext = "SELECT A.COLUMN1, B.COLUMN2 from TABLE1 A, TABLE2 B where A.COLUMN1=B.COLUMN1";
TSelectSqlStatement select = (TSelectSqlStatement)parser.sqlstatements.get(0);

select.getWhereClause.setString("where a>2");

System.out.println (select.toString());

4. add a new node

Call setXXX() method from the parent node and pass the new node as a paremeter. In order to add a new node, we must know the parent node of this new added node.

Take this SQL for example, TCustomSqlStatement.getWhereClause() returns null.

SELECT emp_id,salary+100 FROM emp

In order to add where clause for this SQL, below is the Java:

//create a new node
TWhereClause whereClause = new TWhereClause();
whereClause.setString("where a>2");

//link this new created node in the SELECT statement

Then, we will get the new SQL like this:

SELECT emp_id,salary+100 FROM emp where a>2

steps to add a new node:

  • create a node, new TParseTreeNode(), then call TParseTreeNode.setString() to set the text of this node.
  • call setXXX(TParseTreeNode) from the parent node, and pass the new created node as parameter.

APIs available to modify the parse tree

  • TParseTreeNode.setString(String sqlSegment), update the text of a node.
  • TParseTreeNodeList.removeItem(int index), All decendant class of TParseTreeNodeList can use this method to remove a sub-node.
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setOutputClause(TOutputClause outputClause)
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setResultColumnList(TResultColumnList resultColumnList)
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setReturningClause(TReturningClause returningClause)
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setTargetTable(TTable targetTable)
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setTopClause(TTopClause topClause)
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setWhereClause(TWhereClause newWhereClause)
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setWhereClause()
  • TCustomSqlStatement.setWhereClause()
  • all TSelectSqlStatement.setXXX() method.

use visitor pattren to search and modify node

Since there are lots of nodes in a parse tree node, and you may only need to modify some specific node type. So, use visitor to search and modify a specific type node is very convenient.

Please find how to search datatype, function, SQL statement and modify it here: Java demo